In 2011, about 64% of worldwide blogs did not make any money. If your blog is one among that percentage, you have some thinking to do. Bloggers spend a number of hours blogging every week, still, many find that they don’t get the right returns on the time they invest. How can you turn this around?
15 Reasons Why Your Blog Is Not Making Any Money:
1. You’re Not Fulfilling The Demand
Make sure that the people who want what you’re offering know about you and your offerings. If you keep at it, you will find people who want your stuff and come back to you for it.
2. People Don’t Know Where To Find You
Make sure to employ ethical SEO practices so that you are on top of Google’s listing. Use the right keywords and phrases in your content and check if your name is spelled fine on your site.
3. You Offer Your Goods For Free
People are used to getting free stuff on the net. Increase the value of your offering by offering a free taste now and then. Get people hooked on to your offering so that ultimately they will have to buy it from you.
4. You Don’t Have The Right Business Plan
Strategize every step of your business, starting from your basic marketing efforts to closing sales. At any given point, you should know how many leads you are yet to generate to sell a certain number of products.
5. You Are Struggling To Survive In The Wrong Market
If there are too many players in your market, maybe you need to move on, find something else. Dare to experiment and do something different, but check out the business viability first.
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6. You Are Not Continuously Updating Your Blog
Update your blog often and submit changes to the search engines. The more often your pages are indexed, the better your rate of being found. Consider your blog not as a static platform but as an ongoing project.
7. You’re Not Getting Enough Traffic
It doesn’t matter how great your content is if your blog doesn’t generate enough traffic. If you have existing audience, build on it and spread the word out. Do everything you can to get that all-important traffic to your site.
8. You’re Not Promoting Your Blog Enough
Just tweeting your posts to followers is not enough. You have to put yourself out there and promote your blog. Leverage social media, network with other bloggers, do guest posting, launch a great viral campaign – promote your blog with everything you’ve got.
9. You Don’t Know Who Your Audience Is
If you don’t have a clearly defined audience, you won’t know to whom to market. Create a profile of a single target person who comprises the soul of your blog audience. Be very specific as to who comprises your niche audience, and blog for them.
10. You’re Looking For Sales Not Leads
Asking visitors to buy your stuff and then complaining that no one buys anything is silly. A visitor is a stranger, who needs to be cultivated as a lead first. People who opt in to your email list are your prospects. Don’t push anything for sale at that point in the interaction.
11. You Are Not Holding People’s Interest
You need to write compelling headlines that grab and hold people’s attention and interest. You don’t hook their interest. Yes, I’m talking about headlines. The headlines can be for your posts, your Ads, teaser link for content and so on, but make sure you get visitor’s full attention.
12. You Are Not Able To Convert Leads Into Prospects
Your visitors don’t subscribe, you don’t get customers and you’re constantly trying to generate more traffic. This could be because your blog is focused on you and your company, your content is too generic and bland, you are not able to draw in people and you’re not making your needs clear.
13. Your Prospects Aren’t Converting To Customers
You’re still not making money even if you’re getting enough traffic and subscribers. This could be because you don’t know what your customers want, your customers don’t like the format of your offerings, the price is not optimum, you’re not pushing the sale and you don’t optimize your site.
14. Your Customers Are Not Repeating Purchases
This means you’re trying to get new customers all the time. This could be because you promise and don’t deliver, you don’t leverage upsell opportunities, you don’t communicate with your customers, and you don’t ask them to buy again and so on.
15. You Have Unrealistic Expectations
You want to achieve success outright and put all your energies into a marathon sprint. When you see that that it takes time, you get discouraged and give up, losing it all. Set realistic expectations and keep at it if you want to succeed.