Five Must-Have Apps For Your New iPhone!

You finally made it! You finally have your own iPhone! Gone are the days of envy and green-eyed staring at your friend’s iPhone 4S. It doesn’t really matter if you bought it from a friend who decided to sell iPhone 4 to get a 4S, what matters is that you finally have it! But yeah, here comes the tough part about acquiring a second hand iPhone, you have to make sure that it has been restored to its original beauty and functionality.

If I were your friend, I wouldn’t let you buy my iPhone without me doing a complete factory resetting. And since your iPhone is now probably as useless and as empty as a can of chicken soup after a gully washer, the best thing to do now is to load up your iPhone with all the essentials. So what are the essential apps (other than Facebook, Twitter and Tweetdeck)? Read on!

Five Must-Have Apps For Your New iPhone

Five Must-Have Apps For Your New iPhone

Evernote – One of the first apps you should consider putting into your iPhone is an efficient note-taking app like Evernote. The good thing about Evernote is that you can access all the notes you’ll ever need through any platform because it can sync your account to not only your iPhone but your iPad, laptop and desktop as well!

Pandora – Another essential that your iPhone will definitely be incomplete without is the internet radio app Pandora. Apart from offering so many songs in HQ , it also offers a touch of personalization. Pandora is the app to have because it transforms your iPhone into a handy radio that plays songs based on your music style. It can even create a customized radio station for you so you won’t get tired of listening and you don’t end up wanting to sell your iPhone instead.

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Remote – Meanwhile, if you are an Apple fan through and through who owns a lot of other Apple gadgets apart from your iPhone one of the first apps you should consider is Remote. This Apple app allows you to control your Apple TV, iTunes and even AirPlay speakers. But remember that you have to have a Wi-Fi connection at home to make this app really functional for your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

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Shazam – Most iPhone users are innately music lovers. I mean, how else would you be able to enjoy iTunes if you’re not much of a song junkie? And since you may already have Pandora in your iPhone, I’m pretty sure that you’ll be having those “what was that song?!” moments. Get Shazam on your iPhone and it’ll let you discover your next favorite song! Or sell your iPhone and get a radio and a giant songbook, that’s way cheaper.

Google Search – Since we’re assuming that you’re not an iPhone 4S owner and that you do not have Siri on your iPhone, we’re listing Google Search as a must have for your iPhone too. While it may not be able to set an alarm for you or talk back to you, Google Search is very helpful in web searching and it’s even way faster in giving back results than Siri! It’s easy to use and also accesses other Google powered apps for you like Gmail, Google Docs and Calendar. Better yet, sell iPhone 4 and get an iPhone 4S with Siri!

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