Find out a bit about cloud computing:
All you hear these days in the Tech sector is cloud this and cloud that. You hear about cloud storage and cloud computing applications. Well the simple and plain definition of cloud is an online storage solution. From the end user perspective, cloud storage simply means having unlimited disk space on the net.
To the service provider, cloud technology means having a reliable server with a simple web service interface that allows one to store and retrieve data from anywhere anytime regardless of the amount of data. Cloud storage is the way to go since it provides an inexpensive way to store data; it is more secure and provides highly reliable back up. If the future the only computer hardware you will need is a mouse, monitor, and an internet connection because all your data and applications will be stored in the cloud.

Apart from just being an online data backup service, cloud storage has a lot more to offer. Cloud storage is accessible from anywhere across the globe as long as you have an internet connection. This means that, even if you travel to the most remote parts of the world you can still have access to your data without having to carry an external storage device.
Read: How To Use Cloud Storage and Cloud Computing
The data backup can be automated online making it advantageous to both the end user and the cloud storage service provider. Cloud storage provides a safe and secure way of storing data. All data that are stored online is compressed and encrypted, so that no one can interfere with your data without your permission.
Storing data online provides a cost effective way to save your siles. You will never run out of disk space regardless of the amount of data you store. The case of having an extra hardware or hardware maintenance is faced off when it comes to cloud data storage. Also, storing of the data is exceptionally cheap since it employs the model of pay as you go. In case you lose your data, you won’t have to install junk applications on your PC since the cloud data storage has an integral data recovery facility.
So who should cloud storage? Cloud back solutions are meant for anyone with an urge for secure and unlimited data storage facility. For one to benefit with cloud storage, you need to have high data bandwidth connection. This may be a limitation to some especially those who rely on cellular data connection providers.
With so much said about the pros of cloud storage, the system also has its limitations. With cloud data storage, you data resides on a third party server, which means incase the server is closed then you need to worry about your data. Another shortcoming with the cloud storage is that as much as the services are cheaper most cloud storage service providers charge depending on the amount of data stored. This means, the more data you store the more you pay. Nevertheless, there are other cloud storage providers who charge flat rates for data storage.
But more and more there are free cloud computing companies popping up. Many of these services offer a couple of Gigabytes free storage to entice the PC users of the world. But hey 5 GB is more than enough online storage for most people.
In conclusion, cloud backup solution is the newest trend in data storage. As much as your data resides on an external server outside your home or office, the data are fully protected from other users plus you will have access to your data from anywhere anytime.