The Open Internet Exchange

People sometimes complain about the barrage of advertising and unrelated material they must work through before reaching relevant sites on the Internet. Companies have the problem in reverse, because they must attract customers looking for the products and services they sell.

The Phorm Open Internet Exchange helps advertisers target customers with better precision, so they waste fewer resources and get better returns on their investments.

PhormDiscover offers an option through the Internet service providers, which customers can choose to personalize their Internet service. People get relevant data quickly because the service determines generically the kinds of material each subscriber prefers.

Balancing Privacy with the Need for Customization

The code guarantees personal privacy because it never matches names with online searching habits. PhormDiscover merely matches the subscriber with his or her interests. For example, people interested in sports get the latest scores automatically. The culinary-inclined might receive the latest recipes from their favorite chefs.

The application never accesses information about people’s identities but only tries to match people with legitimate interests. Ethical considerations prevent questionable or illegal searches, such as pornography, medical treatments, religion, sexual orientation, illegal activities, gambling, and politics.

People can choose whether to take advantage of the service, which the ISP provider offers free of charge. Benefits include protection against malware, phishing, and identity theft. People save an extraordinary amount of time finding the sites they prefer. Advertising relates directly to their interests instead of being so far off the mark that people no longer look at most ads at all.

The Open Internet Exchange
The Open Internet Exchange

Benefits for Online Publishers

People who own websites can place the Phorm widget on their sites to track customers’ interests and profile Web traffic. Websites can customize their message to suit each viewer, so their advertising gets better results. People view relevant material, so they have a better Internet experience and feel more inclined to make buying decisions. The company only uses the broadest categories and offers the highest privacy standards in the industry. Phorm takes great pride in providing ethical, anonymous service. The application cuts down on annoying scams and irrelevant advertising that inundate online browsers.

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Publishers gain better understanding of their customers needs, and they can match their website advertisers to customers, so they can effectively monetize their sites. Publishers can choose whether to show viewers material only from their own site or allow ads from other sources to show.

Better targeting leads to higher sales volume, and satisfied customers spend their money more freely. PhormDiscover never matches personal identities with buying habits, and the application does not check where customers have been before. Viewers can easily find their favorite blogs, videos, video blogs, and social network sites. Advertisers reach receptive viewers interested in their products and services, so marketers and consumers benefit equally.

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The Phorm Open Internet Exchange has changed the Internet experience of millions of viewers and advertisers. Customers and publishers alike have privacy and malware concerns, but Phorm offers the best balance of customization and privacy. Customers get personalized browsing, custom home pages, and better security.

Advertisers get more targeted consumers for higher ROIs, and ISP providers get a share of advertising revenues. The technology benefits everyone involved, and customers can choose each time they sign on to the Internet or reboot their computers whether to take advantage of the benefits.

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